الاسم: أداة إزالة الرؤوس السوداء الدقيقة
طراز المنتج: ly-9128
طاقة الإدخال: 2.5 وات
الجهد المقدر: 3.7 فولت
قوة الشفط: أقل من أو يساوي 53 كيلو باسكال
وقت الشحن: حوالي 90 دقيقة
المعيار التنفيذي: Q / SKT 005 – 2019
تعليمات الاستخدام
تذكير: يرجى استخدام ظهر يدك قبل استخدامه على الوجه.
لا تبقى في نفس المكان عند التحرك من الأعلى إلى الأسفل، فهذا
سيتسبب في امتصاص اللون الأحمر والأرجواني.
1. تنظيف الماء الساخن، وتنظيف البشرة
2. جهاز بخار الوجه/ منشفة ساخنة وضغط لفتح المسام (5 دقائق، درجة الحرارة حوالي 35-40)
3. ضع [سائل التصدير] وابدأ في المص، لا تنتظر حتى يجف (إذا كان لديك وسادة قطنية، اسكبيها
ضعي وسادة القطن على الأنف لمدة 5 دقائق ثم انزعيها ثم امتصيها بشكل أفضل)
4. بعد امتصاص المنظف، دلكي بلطف حتى يمتص واغسلي بالماء البارد (الماء البارد يمكن أن يقلص المسام)
5. يمكنك وضع قناع بعد مص الرؤوس السوداء كعناية يومية.
نصائح: يكون التأثير أفضل بعد الاستحمام
يرجى عدم استخدامه على الجلد المصاب أو المتندب. الجهاز لديه قوة شفط قوية.
ابق على نفس المكان طوال الوقت لتجنب ترك علامات. بعد العلاج، سيظهر على الجلد
القليل من الاحمرار وهو أمر طبيعي وسيختفي تلقائيًا في غضون 5-10 دقائق. يرجى عدم غسل الجسم.
P***v –
It sucks good. But the nails squeeze better.
Y***D –
Приехал быстро,а как его чистить-то вообще?
I***d –
Well received the product
M***v –
Everything is super. Fast delivery, many heads. Works well.
C***. –
il prodotto funziona ,attesa lunga circa 2 mesi ma non dipende dal venditore
P***p –
The product came under the description but badly packaged, the box was opened as the photos. Very different packaging already bought

E***s –
Muy bueno y eficaz,limpia muy bien los poros!!
E***n –
F***r –
As describe. Fast delivery.

K***e –
For this moment everything is good! Waiting for charge up

N***p –
Product in top condition. Unfortunately it helps me not in the removal of impurities.
M***a –
All is well, but in the case did not try until
N***a –
Led to the reviews, like it sucks well. I can not agree, some bullshit, sucks sucks, accordingly does not cleanse the skin at all
F***r –
marché bien mais n'arrive pas à avoir les points noir en profondeur

M***a –
Cool everything works. Thank you seller. recommended

J***c –
quality good, use one time. i like
H***z –
<2en> urun works very beautifully perfectly
S***o –
Interesting thing, only before using the face steam, and not in any case do not delay in one place, only in motion, otherwise there will be blue use, but with the right movements and with a parsley of roses, he pulls all the shit out of his skin. In Krasnoyarsk month.
R***l –
Thank you, can’t wait to try it
C***p –
Very happy with it! Much suction and convenient opzetstukjes. My whole nose is clean. Beyond Expectations good! Thanks seller!

C***s –
Fast, and good power, maybe too much but happy

A***e –
Very beautiful, powerful enough

S***e –
užsakiau 01.15 gavau 03.10. veikia
D***n –
I***a –
Very strong
I***e –
Great item .
A***k –
Vsio Kak v opisaniju.
J***e –
V***e –
good,and work.

A***r –
Доставлял месяц, хотя заказал 10 штук. доставка была без отслеживания, пришел помятый весь.
M***a –
woww working ,thanks its super
N***r –
Quite right, box was called damaged, not so neat of the company but further welcome it. Shipping lasted for a long time.
R***e –
exactly what you see
V***v –
I'm delighted, it's very good, recommended 100%
H***d –
as good as described.
A***y –
very fast shipping
L***l –

M***m –
The first time left bruises on her face. We need to get along. Cleans well. Delivered Courier

F***r –
Fast Delivery
K***n –
Black dots did not remove of course. But his nose cleared a little.
E***p –
Same as the photo

A***s –
Everything as appropriate
C***r –
It works but it lacks strength
R***r –
Vacuum cleaner came in about a month, fully corresponds to the picture, I'll check in later.
E***i –
Works very well
O***a –
I really liked the cleaning for the face, sucks all the acne and dirt, the skin becomes smooth and clean, I advise you to buy.

R***l –
J***e –

C***r –
Top fast delivery
S***o –
M***z –
It's perfect. Exactly the same as the one that is sold super expensive by influencers. I highly recommend this seller because fast shipping in Switzerland.
A***t –
Everything is whole, everything works. I haven't used it yet.
Y***t –
weak vacoom
H***i –
V***u –
Quite fast delivery. Product seems ok.
F***r –
I am very satisfied with what I see, I received it in time (with one or two days in advance). The description is very compliant, and the product looks qualitative to me, to European standards and more! There are three modes, it is rechargeable, with the area provided. I can not wait to test it, I will put an update to tell you if it really works

O***f –
O***m –
I recommend! Fast delivery and nickel walk! No need to contact the seller
A***p –
I liked it very much! He arrived very soon in Chile.
U***u –
P***a –
Everything came in a box like everyone else, but the device is alive. In the set of wires to charge. Nozzles. everything works.

K***a –
Good stuff.
V***o –
Честно говоря, я очень сомневалась , что этот аппарат работает. А он просто суперский. Вытягивает мощно. Для носа так вообще находка. Спасибо огромное!!!!

O***o –
The goods are satisfied.
G***e –

S***s –
The device works well, the quality is satisfied, it charges quickly. Thanks to the seller, I recommend.

K***s –
Good quality, has enough pressure at the time of suction, can leave marks, I think the best thing before occupying it is to exfoliate the area and apply heat to open the pores.
A***a –
Product arrived all OK, but not lived up to expectations …..
J***s –
Good product
O*** –
Delivery to Latvia 2 months. Packed well, the device came whole, works. Cleaning is not bad, but you need to be more accurate both with the choice of a nozzle, and with the fact that you do not delay at one point on the skin, you can get get While everyone is happy.

T***a –
Corresponds to the description.
A***i –
je recommande
L***z –
It seems to Me to be a good product but sucks too hard, leaves my skin marked. I plan to watch videos to learn how to use it as maybe something in the way I pass it is wrong. He arrived soon.
L***u –
already tried. works very well!
O***d –
Everything is fine
S***o –
A good thing, but do not expect something from her beyond natural, if you steam it will help with small
C***t –
Product worth the recommend heat! Working good
K***a –
Not a clear thing! I do not know how they write that everything sucks out of me almost nothing, sucks not powerful, but weak
L***r –
Conform to the picture
N***a –
This thing works only on the strongest mode, with the biggest nozzle, but the first time I was careless and left bruises. Be careful not to hurt the skin, drive the face faster without stopping. Minus-orange paint on the rim from above-all remains on the fingers, such quality. But most importantly, it works.
J***e –
fonctionne bien
L***r –
very good quality and fast delivery
M***e –
Everything looked like in the description.
M***U –
Great quality, seller very communicative, shipment took over 65 days because of local post office problems.

А***a –
Works, but there is no proper effect.
A***A –
The battery's running out right away but it's going well
A***t –
The product is a little cheap, the suction is good and the use is there, for the price I recommend without worries
A***r –
Arrived in perfect condition, to try.

E***h –
Came as in the picture. The box is crumpled, the device is whole. For cleaning pores is not suitable. If you try on the palm of your hand, then the force of pulling is strong enough, but not enough to clean the pores. At what no nozzle does not fit. Only the most maelky impurities come out. Perhaps after the Bath will help.
But a good vacuum massager for the face oil. Such a flow of blood, on a large nozzle.
N***a –
Great piece

M***a –
Покупала в подарок. Доставка быстрая . Один минус- коробка была помята

D***d –
Haven't tried yet
A***e –
C***u –
He sucks, I thought he did not suck strong enough but I had nice sucks on the face proof that it still sucks the skin is softer and it removes the points
D***a –
Everything works Super.
K***a –
as described, quick about 3 weeks delivery to Ireland
G***g –
Quickly came, everything works, though a little crumpled box
U***r –
got this for to help clean my granddaughter's face and it's works wanders
J***o –
man patinka
S***e –
It is working! Thank you